Welcome to our new website

Union County Public Schools (UCPS) Career and Technical Education (CTE) is excited to launch our new website starting on August 22, 2019. The goal of the new site is to provide students, parents, and other community members information about all of the great CTE options available to students across UCPS middle and high schools. In CTE, we want to help students find a cross-section of their skills and interests that will allow them to start thinking about their future after high school. Students will be given tools, career development, and course options to explore pathways and find a passion from which they can make a productive career. By giving individuals an opportunity to find something they love to do in high school, while eliminating areas that may not appeal after learning more about them, students can better plan a path for life after graduation based on their future career plans. We want to help students have a better idea of what education is needed for the career they seek, so that college debt is minimized and students can start out their adult lives in a good financial position. We hope you enjoy the new site. If you have any comments or suggestions for how we can better reach all school stakeholders, please contact us using the contact form in the “Contact Us” section.