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What is CTE?

Preparing Students to Become Productive Citizens

Today’s job market requires individuals with technical and high-level problem solving skills. Career & Technical Education (CTE) is focused on teaching these attributes through real-world applications in all of the different program areas.

A Comprehensive Guide From Classroom to Career

MajorClarity helps students discover their future careers – and paths to make them a reality

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Feature Stories

CATA Collision Repair Students Paint Toolboxes for Hendricks Dealerships

Recently, NAPA donated the 24 tool boxes that were red, and also donated materials. They needed them...

@ForestHillsHSNC Students Finish 1st and 3rd in Greater Charlotte Auto Dealers Auto Competition

On Tuesday, March 18th, Forest Hills HS students Kaitlyn Grissom,& Joseph Baumer won 1st place at the...

@MarvinRidgeHSNC DECA Students Excel at N.C. Career Development Conference

Congratulations to the following students that competed in the North Carolina DECA State Career Development Conference this...