Weddington Middle School TSA/Robotics Team Competes in State Events

On Friday February 21 3 young men from WMS attended the TSA Western District Conference at Appalachian State University in Boone NC. UCPS had an early release day on Thursday due to weather concerns and school was cancelled on Friday. These young men and their parents would not be defeated. They travelled to Boone around the weather concerns. They represented WMS and UCPS well. They came in 2nd place at the TSA Conference which is for the western half of NC. Congratulations for their perseverance and problem-solving.
On Saturday February 29 Weddington Middle School Robotics Team travelled to CC Griffin Middle School in Cabarrus County for VEX State Championship. Weddington had three teams, “Proof of Concept”, “Roley Chairs”, and “100 percent chance”. All teams did great and made it to the elimination rounds. Team Roley Chairs made it to the finals and ranked 2nd place in the state of North Carolina. That is not bad for a team of 3 7th graders.
Congrats to Mr. Bass and his TSA Club members. Keep up the good work!