FINAL TIME CORRECTION #2: The UCPS High School Program Expo will be back in-person this year!! Come out and see what UCPS has to offer students in high schools across the district.

The Departments of College and Career Readiness are working together to host a High School Program Expo this winter. The purpose of this expo is to allow middle and high school students and parents the opportunity to learn more about CTE Pathway Options and fine arts programs offered across the district, the International Baccalaureate program offered at Marvin Ridge High School and Central Academy of Technology and Arts, the AP Academy program offered at Porter Ridge High School, and the AP Capstone program offered at Monroe and Sun Valley High Schools, and MORE. Below is a list of possible areas that may have information tables.
- Accounting/Finance
- Advance Placement (AP)
- Agricultural Mechanics
- Animal Science
- Apparel & Fashion Design
- Art
- Athletics
- Automotive Repair
- Aviation
- Band
- Career Development
- Carpentry
- Central Academy of Technology & Arts
- Chorus
- Clean Energy
- Collision Repair
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Computer Programming/Game Design
- Cosmetic Arts & Science
- Cyber Security
- Digital Film Editing & Production
- Drafting
- Electrical Trades
- English
- Foods & Nutrition/Culinary Arts
- Foreign Language
- Health Science Pathways (Pharm Tech, CNA, Biomedical)
- Horticulture
- HS Guidance Counselors
- Interior Design
- International Baccalaureate
- Marketing/Hospitality & Tourism
- Masonry
- Math
- Physical Education
- PLTW Engineering
- Public Safety/Fire Fighter
- Public Safety/Law Enforcement
- Robotics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Theatre
- Union County Early College
- Union County Virtual Career Readiness Courses
- Veterinary Assisting
- Welding