Sun Valley HS Graduates Receive National Recognition for College and Career Readiness

The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) recognizes eight Sun Valley HS graduates for completing the Advanced Career (AC) STEM Pathway Academy program of study, Aerospace levels 1-4. The AC program of study prepares students for college and career opportunities in a high-demand STEM field critical to the American economy.
To receive an AC certificate of completion, students must 1) complete four AC courses in the same area; 2) complete end-of-course examinations; and 3) present projects to an authentic audience comprised of business, industry, and postsecondary professionals. To receive AC Scholar recognition, students must meet the following criteria: 1) complete a college-ready academic core as described in SREB’s High Schools That Work criteria; 2) complete four courses in their chosen AC program of study; 3) score at the proficient or advanced level on two of the four end-of-course examinations; 4) qualify for college entrance without the need for remedial courses in mathematics and English; 5) qualify for college dual credit for AC course work and 6) prepare a portfolio documenting technical and academic growth and achievement.
According to Dr. Mike Harvey school principal, the following students meet the criteria for AC Completer or AC Scholar: Keenan Bradley, Lucas Currie, Jared Hough, Ethan Huntley, Nicholas Parker, Ronnie Webb Jr, Keegan Williams, were all completers of all four levels of Aerospace class.
Sun Valley HS, honored the students at graduation on June 26th at 8pm in our football stadium. Students will receive the distinguished SREB Advanced Career STEM Pathway Academy certificate of completion and AC Scholar recognition. They appear in the photo with graduation chords specially made for this unique honor with Aviation Academy, and Aerospace on the chord.
To learn more about SREB’s Advanced Career STEM Pathway Academy curricula,
by: Bill Vivian, Aerospace Engineering Teacher, Sun Valley HS