PDHS Marketing class is trying to establish a new NFL franchise

Mrs. Nicholas’ Sports and Event Marketing II Honors Class has embarked on the journey of establishing a new National Football League franchise. They spent several days researching the best city for an NFL franchise expansion team based on population (total), population (growth rate), median household income, and number of households. Once a city was identified as a suitable location, the students created a team name, team colors and a mascot for their new NFL Team.
No new NFL franchise can be unveiled without a helmet that includes team colors and logo! For the helmets, the class used out of date helmets the high school varsity team could no longer use. The result was eight original new team helmets, with new team colors and mascots, representing cities which spanned the county from Hawaii to South Carolina.
The Portland Lumberjacks, the Charleston (SC) Sea Turtles, the Honolulu Sharks (Teal), the Hartford Badgers, the Portland Hipsters, the Honolulu Sharks (Blue), the Oklahoma City Bucks and the Salt Lake City Huskies.
After a PHS school wide vote the winning team was…. The Honolulu Sharks (Teal) created by Tucker, Reagan, and Bobby. The 2nd runner up was the Honolulu Sharks (Blue) and the 3rd Runner up was Salt Lake City Huskies.
Let’s hope their draft picks are as good as this helmet.