Hayley Christenberry from Piedmont High School for being named UCPS Presidential Scholar Nominee for 2021-2022

Today, Hayley Christenberry was presented the UCPS Presidential Scholar Nominee for this year by Mr. Brian Davis, Director of CTE, as well as the FFA advisors at Piedmont High School Mr. Barbee and Ms. Gardner. Below is a little bit of information about Hayley.
FFA Affiliations, Offices Held, Competitive Events participation
FFA offices and years held:
Piedmont FFA Secretary 2019-2020
Piedmont FFA President 2020-2021
Piedmont FFA Student Advisor 2021-2022
Career Development Events and placings:
(2018) vet science
(2019) dairy evaluation JR – 1st place in the state
(2019) tool id regional level
(2019) tool id state level
(2019) farm business management
(2019) vet science
(2019) livestock evaluation – 4th place in the state
(2020) dairy evaluation SR – 2nd place in the state
(2020) vet science – through mount olive highest scoring individual
(2021) dairy evaluation SR – 1st place in the state
Work-Based Learning Involvement: Hayley completed both the Vet Assisting course (with a grade of 99) and the Vet Co-Op course (with a grade of 100). She continued to work for the Vet Hospital this past summer and is currently doing an Internship at Greenock Farm Vet Hospital. She is currently making a grade of 100 in her internship.
Credentials Earned – Certified Veterinary Assistant (CVA) credential
Hayley Christenberry has completed the Vet Assisting Co-Op experience and is currently enrolled in a CTE internship for Vet Assisting at a local Vet hospital. The vet hospital where she did her co-op kept her on in a paid position throughout the summer months and she is currently completing her internship there.
She has been a leader in FFA, holding local officer positions for 3 years. (Secretary, President, and Student Advisor)
Last year she helped promote CTE programs by creating a video tour of the agriculture classrooms, which she narrated and explained the courses. This video was shared with the 8th graders during CTE Month. This year Haley has been visiting classrooms with Mrs. Weidenhammer to promote CTE Academies. She has shared with 9th and 10th grade students about her experiences in the Vet Assisting academy and the vet hospital that she is working in. She has also shared with them what skills and characteristics that employers are looking for such as: initiative, work ethic, teamwork, and problem-solving. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with underclassmen and they are very receptive to her advice.
Other community service activities she has participated in are:
Wake Up to Agriculture Day
Operation Christmas child
Heifer international
Coat drive
TTA Christmas party
Crisis Pregnancy Center
Haley has been enrolled in a CTE class every semester of her high school career and has earned an “A” in all of those classes. I am confident that she has the skills to earn a high level on all areas of the National Career Readiness Certificate when she takes it this year.
Describe how the student demonstrates or has demonstrated ingenuity/creativity/problem solving.
When we were unable to do our usual in-person CTE Fair at Piedmont Middle School last year, we decided to create videos to send. Hayley developed a very professional looking video about the Agriculture classes. It was the best one, by far, of any of the student-led videos. You can view this video here:https://bit.ly/3BS6F5X
Here is how her teacher and FFA Advisor, Mrs. Gardner, describes how Hayley has been creative in ways that help not only herself but her peers as well:
Hayley’s leadership skills within the classroom shows efficiency and effectiveness. She is always willing to help others out in the classroom to understand the tasks at hand. She is a hands-on learner, and has the resources to bring that learning to those around her. Various times in class, and within our FFA Chapter, she has extended the learning to the other students around her, by teaching hand- on 1:1, and by developing activities to help her peers better understand. The past two years she has shown leadership by coaching her peers in various Career Development Contests such as Dairy Evaluation, and Vet Sciences where she excels. She works toward her goals in life to become a veterinarian by helping those around her (and herself) be successful through these Career Development Contests. For our FFA chapter, she created a chapter scavenger hunt together with another officer to teach our members more about NC agriculture. She works with the other officers to help develop hands-on mini leadership workshops to build her peers up. Her motivation, maturity and caring ways help her and those around her excel.