Find your own pathway
Discover your interests, unleash your talents, and soar into your future - start searching for your pathway today.
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) provides the bridge needed by all students to deal with major societal issues such as work-and-family, health care, child and elder care, family and community violence and crime, global economics and politics, and technology usage. FCS Education is a catalyst to bring these issues into action-oriented, skill-building educational programs. The North Carolina FCS Education program provides a platform for students to transition into adult life by gaining a strong foundation of the
knowledge and skills needed for successfully living and working in a diverse, global society. Students develop personal effectiveness and industry-relevant technical skills as they explore and pursue career pathways aligned to the FCS Body of Knowledge and Family and Consumer Sciences National Standards 3.0.
Students may pursue the following career pathways:
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, Inc. (FCCLA) is Career and Technical Student Organization for Family and Consumer Science.
Students in CTE classes are also eligible for National Technical Honor Society (NTHS).
Discover your interests, unleash your talents, and soar into your future - start searching for your pathway today.