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Two and a half hour drive north to a small town, Eden, NC. 0730am registration/robot checks at Morehead Highschool State Qualification VEX Robotics Competition. 33 teams from all over NC. The challenge, 2021/2022 Tipping Point competition. Robots as tall as 4.5 feet to simple clawbot designs competing for a spot in the state championship in…
Read MoreIt was another fantastic showing for the Cuthbertson High School DECA Club at the Regional Competition that was held on December 7th at the Embassy Suites Convention Center in Concord. Our kids did a great job in competition with area DECA Chapters from Weddington, Marvin Ridge, Sun Valley, Cox Mill, Hickory Ridge, and Concord High Schools! Congratulations to…
Read MoreOn Friday December 3rd, Fire Academy students went to the Monroe Fire Training Grounds. Where students were graded on 12 different skills. The skills are Care and Inspection of Hand Tools, Forcibly Enter/Door, Forcibly Enter/Window, Forcibly Enter/Wall, Overhaul a Fire Scene, Roll, Fold, Deploy Covers, Conserve Property, Construct Water Chute, Stop Flow of Water, Operate…
Read MoreOn November 16th, Marvin Ridge High School celebrated the induction of students into the NationalTechnical Honor Society (NTHS). The NTHS recognizes students who excel in one of the many Career and Technical Educational (CTE) fields as their profession. To be nominated for membership, students must complete three or more CTE courses by the end of…
Read MoreJake Thomas from Union Power Cooperative came to East Union Middle and spoke to our 8th grade science students about alternative fueled vehicles and machinery. Mr. Thomas discussed career opportunities in the energy industry, myths vs. facts about electric vehicles, and showed the students a Chevy Bolt so they could see a real example of…
Read MoreOn Saturday November 13 UCPS hosted their 6th Annual Fall Robotics Competition at the AG Center in Wingate. Almost every middle and high school around the county registered teams for the event. The teams from Piedmont Middle finished as tournament champions as well as runner up. The Panthers were also awarded first and second place…
Read MoreToday, Hayley Christenberry was presented the UCPS Presidential Scholar Nominee for this year by Mr. Brian Davis, Director of CTE, as well as the FFA advisors at Piedmont High School Mr. Barbee and Ms. Gardner. Below is a little bit of information about Hayley. FFA Affiliations, Offices Held, Competitive Events participation FFA offices and years…
Read MoreSun Valley Middle School has a Middle School Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Flight and Space class available to 8th grade students that is an introduction to Aviation and compliments the Sun Valley High School Aviation Academy. One of the units of study within this program is Destination: Mars. Mrs. Diana Ollis is using the…
Read MoreFHHS students recently gave “shout outs” to various teachers to include 3 Career and Technical Education teachers: Automotive Teacher Bill Books, Engineering and Design Teacher Tim Stegall, and Business and Finance Teacher Kevin Feaster. Books’ students said, “His hard dedication and his patience has made him a great teacher and anyone can learn in his…
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