Piedmont Students Earn Apprenticeship Credit

Many of our Piedmont students work summer jobs to earn money and gain work experience. This past summer, a group of rising seniors earned an apprenticeship credit for their work at McGee Brothers. Through the NC Apprenticeship program, Trent Hackney, Colby Hildreth, Greyson Beeber, Austin Wilson, and Wyatt Furr were able to turn their hard work into a graduation credit. Work-based learning opportunities like apprenticeships allow students to “earn while they learn” and also gain valuable work experience to prepare for a future in trades or manufacturing. CTE also offers work-based learning through summer and semester internships. Seniors, Trent Hackney and Colby Hildreth, are currently participating in our CTE Senior Internship program. Piedmont is excited to partner with local business and industry to help students gain valuable work experience and prepare for future careers.