Congrats to Parkwood High’s FCCLA for their results in this year’s state Culinary competition

The PWHS FCCLA Culinary students had a wonderful day yesterday at JWU Charlotte competing in both the Culinary Arts Competition and then the Baking & Pastry Competition! Allie Lehan earned a silver medal in Baking & Pastry and overall came in 3rd place in the State! She qualifies to compete at the FCCLA National Convention in Denver CO this July 2-6, 2023. She has the potential to compete and place first on the National level in July!
Chayton Tala (senior) earned a silver medal and Emma Rape (junior) earned a bronze medal in the Culinary Arts Competition. All three represented Union County FCCLA excellently with their work and great attitudes throughout the day.
Now that Allie qualifies to compete at the FCCLA National level, and has expressed an interest in moving forward with this, I’m trying to determine what my next steps are as her advisor. I will continue to work with her perfecting her craft as new recipes in Baking & Pastry are released in April for the National Competition in July.