SVHS Drone Class Gets a Visit from Union County Sheriff’s Department Drone Pilot

Dr. Vivian’s Drone 1 class at Sun Valley HS, was visited by Officer Cory Weiss of the Union County Sheriff’s department. He is a licensed drone pilot in the county and reviewed the police uses of drones in the workforce. Some activities include search and rescue, fire department support, observations, etc. of which include indoor and outdoor usage. Officer Weiss came to our drone class three years ago and he was the only drone pilot and now they have five. The Fire Departments now have purchased their own, and most fire department chiefs have them. It is clear the usage of drones is increasing and the ability to earn income while flying them, whether for your job, or as an entrepreneur is growing. Sign up for drone 1 course today and get your FAA 107 pilots license. There is a drone 2 course that dives deeper into business specialty software.