CATA Robotics Wins Sportsmanship Award at State Qualification VEX Tournament

Two and a half hour drive north to a small town, Eden, NC. 0730am registration/robot checks at Morehead Highschool State Qualification VEX Robotics Competition. 33 teams from all over NC. The challenge, 2021/2022 Tipping Point competition. Robots as tall as 4.5 feet to simple clawbot designs competing for a spot in the state championship in Concord, NC. The CATA team made the semi-finals, but lost to a very good team. The CATA team eagerly provided help to other teams in the form of programming assistance, and parts, to competing teams, which allowed them to walk away with a very noble award: THE VEX SPORTSMAN AWARD. These four members of the CATA robotics club should be very proud of their accomplishment this past weekend.
by Keith Bernhard – Robotics Advisor