PDHS Fire Fighter Class Visits Monroe Fire Training Grounds

On Friday December 3rd, Fire Academy students went to the Monroe Fire Training Grounds. Where students were graded on 12 different skills. The skills are Care and Inspection of Hand Tools, Forcibly Enter/Door, Forcibly Enter/Window, Forcibly Enter/Wall, Overhaul a Fire Scene, Roll, Fold, Deploy Covers, Conserve Property, Construct Water Chute, Stop Flow of Water, Operate an Emergency Light, Conduct Air Monitoring, Locate Origin, Cause, Evidence. Fire Academy was assisted by members from surrounding departments, from The Town of Unionville Volunteer Fire Department, Asst. Chief Matt Hinson, came and helped out with grading and brought the Air Trailer from The Town of Unionville Volunteer Fire Department. From the Union County Fire Marshal’s Office Deputy Fire Marshal John Williams came and assisted with the grading of the skills. The Union County Administration Asst. Beth Belk came and brought the Fire Academy students and helpers Papa John’s Pizza. From Monroe Fire Department Asst. Fire Marshal Kevin Philemon came and helped out with filling air packs. Also from Monroe Fire Department Capt. Chris Yates came and assisted in helping with grading the skills. From Fairview Fire and Rescue Josh Flowe assisted in skills. Thank you to all of the volunteers that were willing to come and help out, Fire Academy students really appreciate it.